Ajwa Bio Datteln
Ajwa Bio Datteln
Ajwa Bio Datteln
Ajwa Bio Datteln
Ajwa Bio Datteln

Ajwa organic dates

Sale price15,99 €
53,30 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 16001
Weight:300 g
  • Country of origin: Saudi Arabia

  • Taste: aromatic, spicy, mild-sweet, and mineral

  • Consistency: soft and juicy

  • Storage: Refrigerator

  • Inspiration: enjoy with a glass of dry white wine

Ajwa organic Dates

Deep red to black organic Ajwa dates from Medina with a particularly aromatic taste order online here! Our Ajwa dates from the current harvest are wonderfully soft and still very juicy.

What is handed down about Ajwa dates in Arabic traditions

Ajwa is an Arabic girl's name. To understand the meaning of Ajwa date is to look back into history. It is said that Prophet Muhammad inquired about the well-being of women in Medina. He is said to have noticed that the women were particularly wise. Despite much work in the household and as mothers of many children, they were always well. The women told the Prophet that they ate dates from the surrounding trees every day. Thereupon, the great Prophet is said to have called this date "Ajwa" and to have recommended it to all women. In fact, it is mentioned in the scriptures that for the well-being of every woman, it is recommended to eat 7 - 9 pieces of Ajwa dates daily. This advice is followed by many women in the Arab world today. In particular, during pregnancy and lactation, much emphasis is placed on Ajwa dates, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. In the Ramadan time the chamfering is terminated daily with 3 pieces Ajwa dates and a glass water. The body is quickly re-energized to regain its strength after the evening prayer, about an hour later, and to enjoy dinner with the family.

Culinary jewels from one of the holiest places in Islam

The cultivation area of the organic Ajwa date is the black volcanic fields of Al-Medina in Saudi Arabia, the second holiest place in Islam after Mecca. Ajwa dates are a dried, soft variety that is characterized by a special, fruity taste in raw food quality.

The unique round shape and deep red, almost black color are also characteristic of this date. In addition to its strong aroma and fine consistency, it is significantly drier than other varieties and has a pleasant, subtle sweetness. Last but not least, Ajwa dates are prized for their vitamin and mineral content. They are rich in fructose and vitamins. In addition, they contain a lot of potassium, magnesium and zinc, substances that contribute to the functioning of the immune system. These are dates of the highest quality and raw.

Natural fructose for conscious snacking

Dates have a high, natural sugar content. This provides a quick and constant supply of energy, which makes them popular with endurance and strength athletes. The glucose and fructose contained in the fruit cause the blood sugar level to rise only slowly, but are very easy to digest. Despite the high sugar content, dates are not fattening and contain significantly fewer calories than sweets. The carbohydrates, which are contained in a high proportion especially in dried dates, support the function of the brain. Therefore, a serving of dates can be of great benefit to brain workers such as people with office jobs, high school and college students.

Ajwa: Sun-dried delicacies

Semi-dried dates are fruits that are harvested in a late harvest. The fruit juice content is reduced due to the intense sunshine. They can now be stored at room temperature without any problems. This sun-air drying process is the most natural way to preserve fruit for years without adding preservatives. The quality of the dates remains steadily the same, the vitamins and minerals are all preserved in the fruit. If the dates are placed in water, it does not take long for them to become soft again. Bedouins, for example, always carry a few dates with them and chew them in the mouth again soft, which acts there as a natural way of dental care.

You can buy here with us the finest organic Ajwa date and enjoy immediately!

Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
Ajwa Dattel

Sehr gute Qualität Datelln !

Volkan Dr. Aykac

Qualität merkt man

Super lecker

Die Datteln sind sehr gut!

Nikola Zdravkovic

Ajwa Bio Datteln

Dagmar Wunderlich

Ajwa Bio Datteln

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