Anbara Bio Datteln
Anbara Bio Datteln
Anbara Bio Datteln
Anbara Bio Datteln
Anbara Bio Datteln

Anbara organic dates

Sale price15,99 €
53,30 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 15001
Weight:300 g
  • Country of origin: Saudi-Arabien

  • Taste: mild-süß

  • Consistency: bissfest and halbtrocken

  • Storage: Kühl und trocken

  • Inspiration: zum Kaffee oder Tee, als Snack zwischendurch

Anbara organic dates: dark red seduction from the desert

Anbara, or Anbra, are one of the most expensive and rarest varieties of all. The golden brown to dark red shimmering fruits have a relatively firm, dry flesh, which is characterized by a mild-sweet taste. Similar to Ajwa, Anbara organic dates are cultivated as one of the oldest varieties ever in Saudi Arabia near Medina, a city that is the second most important holy place in Islam after Mecca. Not only because of this prominent origin, but also because of their larger-than-average fruit, Anbara dates are highly sought after even beyond the Arab region.

Semi-dried Anbara as a snack and ideal travel companion

Anbara dates are harvested late in the ripening phase, when they have reached an advanced degree of dryness. In this state, they have lost more than half their weight compared to the fresh fruit, but have gained significantly in shelf life. Characteristics that suited the nomadic lifestyle of the Bedouins very well. These include the fact that the full sweetness of the dried fruit only fully develops during prolonged chewing, originally a welcome change on long journeys through the desert. However, prolonged chewing is also good for us, but alternatively, as is customary in Saudi Arabia, the date can also be pitted and sliced and served with tea or even soaked in milk or water. In principle, not unlike the way dried fruit was used in this country. Also interesting is the traditional storage of dried dates: up to five years in clay pots buried in the sand. However, this delicious snack will certainly not remain in our cupboard for that long.

Dates with coffee, in cakes or next to tea

Pure as a small snack with a pot of tea, a handful of shimmering Anbara are the minimalist, natural luxury in our menu. So to speak, the alternative coffee-and-cake version of all vegans, raw foodists and nutrition- and figure-conscious, but of course not only! The natural fructose content in dried dates is probably the secret that makes these fruits the perfect chocolate substitute. Let's declare war on our afternoon lows and rainy, gray days!

Buy Anbara dates online

Thanks to the careful work of our farmers, who consciously avoid artificial fertilizers and pesticides, this coveted variety is available from us in precious raw and organic quality. As with all dried varieties, Anbara dates can be stored at room temperature for several months without any problems.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Daniel L.

Interessante Dattelsorte - recht groß, angenehmer Geschmack und nicht ganz so süß. Auf den ersten Blick finde ich sie vom Aussehen und der Größe der Medjool ähnlich. Kaufe die Sorte bei der nächsten Bestellung und nach Verfügbarkeit gerne wieder.


Hier gibt es die besten Datteln. Viele verschiedene Sorten mit unterschiedlichen Geschmacksnuancen. Auch die Dattelprodukte sind sehr lecker.

Ismail und das Team der MSG-Heidelberg

Stark, Biss, Geschmack Toptoptop

Tammam Al Qudda

Anbara Bio Datteln

Sabine Graßl
Große Dattel

Diese große Dattel gibt Power für den ganzen Tag.

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