Café Kogi "Aluna" – Kaffeeröstung
Café Kogi "Aluna" – Kaffeeröstung
Urwaldkaffee GmbH

Café Kogi "Aluna" - coffee roasting

Sale price9,99 €
39,96 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 49001
Bean:whole bean

Café Kogi

This is the finest, full-bodied, creamy and low-acid Arabica highland coffee from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. The forest coffee grows at 1100 - 1700 m above sea level and is harvested by hand by the indigenous peoples of the Kogi and Arhuaco. The three different coffee varieties consist mainly of Arabica Tipica with small amounts of Arabica Caturra and Arabica Bourbon. New breeds or hybrids are not included. Coffee grows almost wild in the forests and yields very little, but the aroma is more concentrated and intense. Over the course of decades, the coffee trees have had plenty of time to grow leisurely and healthily and to adapt optimally to their location. With much love, the Kogi Indians protect these precious trees and intervene as little as possible in nature.

Coffee Kogi "Aluna" - Coffee roasting

As a filter coffee, the Aluna roast is rather lightly roasted and tastes slightly fruity with pleasantly mild acidity. A very nice body, a slight sweetness and fine, sharp acidity combine to create a coffee with a noble character. Medium-bodied and very multifaceted in aromas, you will encounter a full-bodied coffee with a long positive aftertaste. Cocoa and balanced fruit flavors, such as orange, as well as fine chocolate stand out from the diverse aromas.

Preferred preparation

Filter, Frensh Press, Aeorpress

Word Meaning - "Aluna

ALUNA is in Kaggabba, the language of the Kogi, the expression for the origin of all being, the source from which life originated and always originates. It is the energy of life, the indescribable. Aluna is also the thought as the origin. First there were only the thoughts, from it a small stone, the earth, developed.

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