Cashewmus Bio, Rohkostqualität
ingvi UG (hb) & Co. KG

Cashew puree organic, raw food quality

Sale price9,90 €
39,60 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 72001
Weight:250 g

Cashew puree organic: Natural pleasure from tender cashews.

Our cashew puree from ingvi is made from carefully selected organic cashews to give you a product of the highest quality. Special stone mills are used to produce the nut purees to ensure raw food quality. Gentle grinding at low temperatures below 40°C preserves all the important nutrients.

Cashew puree: hard to imagine vegan cuisine without it!

Cashew puree is a popular ingredient in vegan cuisine. It is ideal as a base for vegan sauces, dips and dressings. The mild nutty note of cashews gives dishes a special flavor nuance and can be combined wonderfully with fruity flavors. Whether as a topping on salads, as a creamy base for vegan cakes or as a filling for wraps and sandwiches - cashew puree is extremely versatile and gives free rein to your creativity in the kitchen.

Possible uses of cashew puree

Cashews are known for their mild flavor and creamy texture. They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Cashew puree offers you a healthy and nutritious alternative to conventional spreads and sauces. It is perfect to refine smoothies, mueslis and desserts or as a dip for vegetable sticks. Let your imagination run wild and discover the many uses of cashew puree in your kitchen.

Cashew puree and dates - a delicious combination

Our cashew puree is especially popular for filling dates. The creaminess and nutty flavor of the puree perfectly match the natural sweetness of the dates. Together they create a harmonious flavor combination that will enchant your taste buds. Whether as a healthy snack between meals, as a simple and delicious dessert or as a special highlight on the buffet - filled dates with cashew puree are a real treat. Our wild cocoa nibs go especially well with them, adding a bit of crunch and an aromatic, earthy cocoa note to the already fine interplay of mild nut puree and fruity date sweetness. Try it out and let yourself be inspired by this delicious combination!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Paul Welsch
Ingvi für jeden der hochqualitative Lebensmittel liebt

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