Hanfsamenmus geschält Bio, Rohkostqualität
ingvi UG (hb) & Co. KG

Hemp seed puree peeled organic, raw food quality

Sale price11,90 €
47,60 € /kg
Sold out
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 72054

Organic hemp seed puree: Natural pleasure from the power of hemp seeds.

Organic hemp seed puree of the highest quality. Our hemp seed puree is made from premium organic hemp seeds to bring you a product of the highest quality. We place great emphasis on sustainability and use special mills to ensure raw food quality. By grinding at low temperatures below 40°C, all important nutrients are preserved.

The unique taste of hemp seed puree

Hemp seed puree has a mild and nutty flavor with a slight sweetness. It pampers your taste buds with its pleasant creaminess and leaves a delicate hint of hemp on your palate. The taste varies depending on the origin of the hemp seeds, but one thing is for sure: hemp seed puree offers a unique and distinctive taste experience.

The power of hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are little nutritional wonders that are rich in valuable ingredients. They contain an abundance of essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, high-quality vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. By eating hemp seed puree, you can benefit from all these valuable nutrients and enrich your diet in a natural way.

Multiple uses in the kitchen

Hemp seed puree is extremely versatile and can be used in many dishes and recipes. It is perfect as a spread, enhances salads, soups and sauces and can be stirred into smoothies, mueslis or yogurts. A special tip is the combination of hemp seed puree with dates. The natural sweetness of the dates harmonizes perfectly with the nutty flavor of the hemp seed puree and creates a delicious flavor combination that will delight you.

Recipes with our dates

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