Kürbiskernmus Bio, Rohkostqualität
ingvi UG (hb) & Co. KG

Pumpkin seed puree organic, raw food quality

Sale price9,90 €
39,60 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 72051
Weight:250 g

Pumpkin seed puree organic: The natural power of pumpkin seeds in creamy form.

Discover the many possibilities of this delicious and healthy seed puree. Made from carefully selected organic pumpkin seeds, the puree convinces not only with its unique taste, but also with its valuable nutrients. Learn more about the production and the impressive properties of this high-quality product.

Gentle production for maximum quality

Our pumpkin seed puree from ingvi is ground on special mills at a temperature below 40°C to ensure raw food quality. In this way, all the important nutrients and the full flavor of the pumpkin seeds are preserved. This gentle processing method ensures that you get a high-quality and healthy product that will delight you with its quality.

The concentrated power of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are not only delicious, but also true powerhouses of nature. They are rich in important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber. Particularly noteworthy are their high concentration of magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamin E. These nutrients help support your health, strengthen the immune system and can even have positive effects on skin, hair and nails.

Multiple uses in the kitchen

The pumpkin seed puree organic is extremely versatile and gives your dishes a special touch. It is excellent as a spread, dip or ingredient in sauces and dressings. You can also stir it into smoothies, mueslis or yogurts to give them a creamy consistency and a nutty flavor. In addition, the mush is a popular ingredient in vegan cooking and can be used as a substitute for animal products. Let your creativity run wild and discover the countless ways you can use pumpkin seed puree in your favorite recipes.

Enjoy the natural power of pumpkin seeds in the form of a delicious pumpkin seed puree organic. Pamper yourself and your loved ones with a creamy treat that not only tastes good, but also supports your well-being.

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