Mazafati Bio Datteln
Mazafati Bio Datteln
Mazafati organic dates
Mazafati organic dates
Mazafati organic dates
Mazafati organic dates

Mazafati organic dates

Sale price3,99 €
19,95 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 11102
Weight:200 g
  • Country of origin:

  • Taste: süß, aromatisch, and würzig

  • Consistency: weich and cremig

  • Storage: Kühlschrank

  • Inspiration: als "Praline" zum Kaffee servieren

The extra juicy delicacy: fresh Mazafati organic dates

If you love dates but are not a fan of dried fruit, it is usually difficult to find fresh dates in this country. We can help: in addition to other non-dried or barely dried date varieties such as Medjool and Sukkari Extra Soft, we also offer wonderfully juicy, fresh Mazafati, sometimes also called Mozafati dates.

Mozafati: matt, shiny black diamonds with a luscious sweetness

Mazafati organic dates are dark brown to reddish brown, almost black. Unlike their deep black Arabian relatives Ajwa and Anbara, they do not have a high gloss, but a silky matt sheen, which gives this variety a particularly elegant appearance. Mazafati are characterized by a round, sweet aroma and are juicier than almost any other variety. They are among the dates that do not have to dry in the sun for a long time on the stem and are only suitable for human consumption when dried, but can be harvested and enjoyed fresh. With a particularly high moisture content of up to 35%, the extra juicy flesh provides us with a strong, balanced sweetness. The Mazafati owe their particularly soft and sweet flesh to the special climate of their place of origin. Although the growing region is located at the same altitude as Florida, at 29 degrees latitude, there can be night frosts for four to five months of the year. These provide an even purer sweetness and cause the fibers of the fruit to dissolve. A ripe mazafati is like a real praline: sweet, creamy flesh that literally melts in the mouth awaits under a wafer-thin shell.

Delicious fruit from the desert thanks to ancient marvels of technology

Mazafati organic dates come from the region around the city of Bam. The landscape surrounding the over 2000-year-old city with its famous citadel is characterized by deserts and steppes. In the oases on the edge of the Dasht-e-Lut desert, the "desert of light", citrus trees thrive alongside date palms, which are largely dependent on irrigation through millennia-old underground systems, the so-called qanats. Here, groundwater from higher regions is fed into the dry desert plains in canals several hundred meters deep, where it allows around 28,000 hectares of date plantations to flourish, especially in Bam. Mazafati palms, which bear fruit for around sixty years, make up a large proportion of the palm trees - a truly sustainable plant culture. Today, Mazafati accounts for around twenty percent of date production. The fruits, which are mainly cultivated in the south of the country, are harvested between August and October and are in great demand during the season.

Mazafati organic dates for pure, unadulterated enjoyment

Due to their juicy, luscious flesh, Mazafati dates are primarily suitable for eating on their own. It would almost be a shame to use these delicious fruits in cooking and baking. Dried varieties, such as Deglet Nour, are best used for the many delicious treats that can be made from dates. Where the fleshy texture that makes your mouth water comes into its own is and remains pure indulgence. This may be a cup of tea or coffee accompanied by one or two Mazafati dates. The luscious fruit also comes into its own as a topping on an ice cream sundae, for example accompanied by honey walnuts or hazelnut brittle. If you prefer something a little more sophisticated, combine the smoky, matt dates with fine smoked bacon, camembert, brie or tangy goat's cheese. However and whenever - the more minimalist, the better, is the motto for Iranian delicacies.

Order dates online at NaraFood and enjoy them fresh!

You can choose between certified organic Mazafati dates, to be on the safe side, and dates without certification. We source the latter from small farmers with whom we are in regular personal contact. Like most small farmers, they follow traditional farming methods, where fertilizers are applied using self-produced compost in a circular economy and no other additives are used. We can unreservedly recommend our farmers' produce with or without certification. Whether during our visits on site or when we receive the fresh produce - we and our customers are always impressed by the freshness and quality of our dates.

Mazafati organic dates can be stored in the refrigerator at 4°C for up to 12 months, a shelf life that experience has shown to be completely superfluous, as hardly anyone can resist these delicacies for long. Try them now!

Customer Reviews

Based on 47 reviews
Sven Neumann
Lecker Datteln in hervorragender Qualität

Alles prima, ich werde wieder bestellen

E. Stege
Empfehlenswerte Datteln

Ich habe zum ersten Mal bestellt und bin sehr zufrieden. Die Datteln haben eine gute Qualität und schmecken sehr gut. Kann ich empfehlen.

Weiche, cremige Konsistenz

schmecken lecker als Nachtisch. Lust auf Schokolade oder Kuchen vergeht dankenswerterweise

Sehr gut!

Perfekt wie immer.


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