Medjool Choice Bio Datteln
Medjool Choice Bio Datteln
Medjool Choice Bio Datteln
Medjool Choice Bio Datteln
Medjool Choice Bio Datteln
Medjool Choice Bio Datteln

Medjool Choice organic dates

Sale price50,00 €
10,00 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 12108
Weight:5 kg
  • Country of origin: Israel and Jordanien

  • Taste: karamellig, süß, and fruchtig

  • Consistency: bissfest

  • Storage: Kühlschrank

  • Inspiration: mit verschiedenen Nussmusen füllen, als Snack für zwischendurch, mit Nüssen kombinieren, frische Salate

Medjool Choice organic dates

It is not without reason that the Medjool date variety is one of the most popular and best-known dates in this country. It impresses with its caramel-fruity sweetness and has a luscious flesh that is firm to the bite, yet soft and juicy. The Medjool is a delicious date that is also very versatile: it tastes wonderful in salads, muesli or stuffed with cream cheese or nut butter.

Medjool "Choice" - what does that mean?

Medjool dates are divided into different quality classes after harvesting: Premium and Choice. They are differentiated according to the proportion of "skin separation" that a fruit has. Skin separation refers to the areas where the skin of the date separates from the flesh. While this skin separation is completely natural in some date varieties - such as Kholas or Khidri - it is perceived as a (visual) flaw in Medjool dates. For this reason, only dates whose skin is attached to the flesh end up in the premium selection, while the fruits with skin separation end up in the choice selection - and are then sold at a lower price.

Inexpensive Medjool dates in organic quality

Apart from the fact that the skin separates from the flesh in Medjool Choice dates, the quality of these fruits is always impeccable. Some "Choice" dates are even slightly softer than the premium selection. If you don't mind the visual blemish, you can buy organically grown Medjool dates at a reasonable price.

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Rüdiger Lichtenberg
Voller Geschmack

Ich werde künftig wieder bei Euch einkaufen. Die Qualität hat mich überzeugt.

Marie Freund
Super leckere Datteln!

Ich liebe die Datteln von Nara! Ich gebe diesmal allerdings nur 4 Sterne weil die Datteln alle unterschiedlich soft bis hart sind.

Total zufrieden!!!

Lieferung war total schnell und die Datteln schmecken super 😊

Julia Schmidt

Medjool Choice Bio Datteln

Evelyn Unger


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