Medjool Bio Datteln, Saudi-Arabien
Medjool Bio Datteln, Saudi-Arabien
Medjool Bio Datteln, Saudi-Arabien

Medjool organic dates, Saudi Arabia

Sale price44,99 €
18,00 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 12099
Weight:2,5 kg
  • Country of origin: Saudi-Arabien

  • Taste: süß, fruchtig, and aromatisch

  • Consistency: weich

  • Storage: Kühlschrank

  • Inspiration: als Snack für Zwischendurch, Mediterrane Eintöpfe

Medjool dates from Saudi Arabia

Medjool dates are one of the best-known and most popular date varieties because they are wonderfully fleshy, juicy and sweet. They can be enjoyed on their own, filled with nuts or nut butters or the natural sweetness of the fruit can be used in baking and cooking.

The majority of Medjool dates found on the European market come from Israel. The main difference between our Medjool dates from Saudi Arabia and Israeli dates is their consistency: the flesh of Saudi Medjool dates can be slightly more fibrous and tend to dry out more quickly, but is often juicier than that of Israeli dates. In terms of taste, the Saudi Medjool also has a fruity sweetness and fine caramel note that is characteristic of the variety.

Saudi Medjool dates - a variety with a history

The history of the Medjool variety stretches far back into the past. Originally from Morocco, the fruity-sweet date was first brought to the USA, where it was cultivated - as it still is today - mainly in California. By breeding the variety there, the Medjool date that we know today was created: a fruit with a flawless exterior, luscious flesh that is soft but not too mushy, and a fine, fruity-caramel sweetness. This fruit was then brought to Israel and Jordan, where it has been successfully cultivated on a large scale ever since.

The Saudi Medjool date has not been genetically modified and therefore corresponds to the original variety, which can still be found in Morocco and Persia. There are therefore two "versions" of the Medjool variety, which are very similar in appearance and taste, but not quite the same.

Organic dates from Saudi Arabia

Like all our Saudi dates, we source our Saudi Medjool from our trusted farmer. His plantations in the Al Ghat oasis, around 2.5 hours north-west of the capital Riyadh, have been cultivated exclusively organically for decades. This means: without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers. A large number of date varieties grow on the plantations, including our caramelly Sukkari dates and the fine, mildly sweet Wanan dates.

Only while stocks last!

As mentioned above, Saudi Medjool dates, unlike Israeli dates, can start to sugar out more quickly. Small sugar crystals then form under the skin of the fruit, which do not affect the quality and taste of the fruit, but are sometimes perceived as a "visual blemish".

This is one of the reasons why we order a small quantity of Saudi Medjool dates every year and only sell them at the beginning of the season while they are still fresh. Nevertheless, the fruit can usually be kept for at least 12 months, provided it is stored in a cool place.

We highly recommend medjool lovers to try this somewhat different medjool. The current harvest from fall 2022 arrived at the beginning of January 2023 and tastes excellent!

Our Medjool premium organic dates from Israel are available from us all year round.

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Extrem lecker und lange haltbar!

Schade, dass diese nicht mehr verfügbar sind.

Julia Rainer

Sehr lecker

Nadja Tröster
Sehr guter Kundenservice - sehr gute Ware

Die Firma hat mich aufgrund eines Fehlers bei der Adresseingabe, fehlende Hausnummer, unmittelbar kontaktiert. Nachdem alles korrigiert war, kam das Paket superschnell an. Die Datteln schmecken fantastisch und sehr frisch.

Markus Ross
Datteln die süß-schmelzend im Mund zergehen

Die Bio-Datteln aus Saudi-Arabien sind ein Träumchen!!! Noch zarter als die Israelischen und so süß wie Honig!!
Ein absoluter Hochgenuss :D

Ismail und das Team der MSG-Heidelberg
Geschmack der seines gleichen sucht

Medjool in seiner reinsten Form. Alles andere ist nur ergänzend. Medjool erfüllt den Zweck einer ganzen Mahlzeit, selbst.

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