Bio Kräutertee "Rosenrausch"
Bio Kräutertee "Rosenrausch"
Kräuterei Mutter Erde

Organic herbal tea "Rose Rush

Sale price9,99 €
5,88 € /10g
Sold out
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 48005

Dive into the rose rush of the whole leaf herbal tea.

This unique tea will seduce you with its pleasant and lovely fragrance and gentle taste of roses. The carefully selected blend of lemon balm, spice tagetes, rose balm, lemon hyssop and scented rose creates a harmonious composition that makes every moment special.

Economical dosage for long-lasting enjoyment

Like all whole-leaf herbal teas from Mother Earth, Rose Rush Tea is distinguished by its high quality and economical dosage. With one package of Rose Rush Tea (content: 15-20 g) you can prepare at least 15 liters of tea. The secret formula lies in the sparing dosage of the herbs. To achieve an optimal taste experience, we recommend "breaking" the herbs in your hand immediately before brewing. This releases the aromas and allows them to unfold during the tea's infusion time.

A touch of romance and pleasure

Rose Rush whole leaf herbal tea transports you to a world of romance and indulgence. The delicate rose aromas envelop you like a fragrant cloud of flowers, creating an inviting atmosphere. Enjoy every sip of this wonderful tea and let its sweetness enchant you. Whether you're craving a moment of relaxation or celebrating a special event, Rose Rush Tea is the perfect companion for your most memorable moments.

A unique blend for unforgettable moments of pleasure

Rose Rush Whole Leaf Herbal Tea is a unique blend of exquisite herbs carefully selected to give you unforgettable moments of pleasure. Lemon balm provides a calming effect, while spice tagetes surprises with its spicy note. The rose balm and lemon hyssop give the tea a pleasant freshness, while the fragrant rose gives it its characteristic rose scent. Together they form a composition that will pamper your palate and your senses.

Discover Rose Rush whole-leaf herbal tea and enjoy its unique blend of lemon balm, spice tea, rose balm, lemon hyssop and fragrant rose. Let its lovely fragrance seduce you and experience a moment of peace and relaxation. Whether alone or in company, Rose Rush Tea is the perfect companion for any moment when you long for something special. Enjoy the romance and pleasure that this tea has to offer.

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