Segai Bio Datteln
Segai Bio Datteln
Segai Bio Datteln
Segai Bio Datteln
Segai Bio Datteln
Segai Bio Datteln
Segai Bio Datteln

Organic Segai dates

Sale price14,99 €
37,48 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 19061
Weight:400 g
  • Country of origin: Saudi-Arabien

  • Taste: kramellig, süß, nussig, and Aprikose

  • Consistency: weich, bissfest, marzipan, and mürbe

  • Storage: Kühlschrank

  • Inspiration: mit verschiedenen Nussmusen füllen, mit erdigen Kakao- und Kaffee-Aromen kombinieren

Segai organic dates

Segaidates are characterized by their elongated, oval shape, medium size and golden yellow to light brown color. The flesh of the Segai has a pleasant bite and is still soft, tasty and juicy. The taste of the fruit is also impressive with its subtle - but by no means overpowering - caramel sweetness and combines both fruity and nutty flavors. Our Segai organic dates come from Saudi Arabia and are grown there by our farmer according to EU guidelines in organic quality.

Segai - crunchy and juicy-soft at the same time

The Segai date is also known by many as the "two-colored date". This is because while the part of the fruit that hangs from the vine turns golden yellow and crispy as it ripens, the rest of the date remains juicy and soft and retains a light brown color. If the fruit was harvested at a relatively early stage of ripeness, the crispy golden part can sometimes only be guessed at. Segai dates harvested when slightly riper, on the other hand, are often split almost down the middle - half crunchy, half juicy. The appearance and texture of the flesh of the dates can therefore vary from harvest to harvest. The fruits from our current harvest are mostly very juicy.

Delicious at first bite

In any case, the segai is fleshy and has a pleasant, firm consistency. However, it is by no means sticky or chewy. On the contrary: the flesh of the segai could even be described as "tender". Rarely can the flesh of a date be described as "crumbly" - alongside the more common adjectives in date jargon such as creamy, mushy, juicy, soft, chewy and sticky, "crumbly" sounds a little strange. But in a way, eating a segai date can actually be compared to eating a buttery shortbread cookie that falls apart into its soft, crumbly components when you bite into it. Segai dates are by no means crumbly, but the delicate fibers of the flesh melt in your mouth when you take the first bite.

What do Segai dates taste like?

At first taste, you can taste a fine, caramel-like sweetness in the flesh of Segai dates. In this respect, they are similar to the Sukkari and Kholas varieties, although the Sukkari dates are a little more sugary and the Kholas are not quite as fruity. The caramelly sweetness of the Segai dates is not excessive, but mild and slightly nutty. On closer "tasting", you can also detect fruity notes reminiscent of the taste of a sweet apricot and nutty, marzipan-like aromas. In any case, you shouldn't miss out on enjoying this delicious, tasty date variety. You can buy Segai from us, as well as many other varieties of dates. We ensure fast delivery of the best quality.

Our tip for enjoying Segai

Segai dates are one of the date varieties that are often served with tea and coffee in the Arab world. Thanks to their subtle caramel note and the similarity to crumbly butter cookies described above, this is of course also a perfect match. In addition to pure, native enjoyment, we also recommend trying the segai filled with nut butter. The fruit goes particularly well with light almond butter or hazelnut butter (which you can buy from us in raw food quality). If you want to put the icing on the cake, sprinkle a few of our wild cocoa nibs over the dates filled with nut butter. These gently roasted, coarsely ground cocoa beans from wild harvesting complement the nutty, fruity flavors of the Segai date with a spicy, earthy nuance and add a little crunch - delicious!

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Vera Hofmann


Goldwert ☺️

Ich liebe die Datteln. Die sind groß und saftig

Jessica Mitterleitner
Wie immer großartig!

Die Datteln sind wie immer der Hammer!

Kemal Atli
Super Nachgeschmack

Frisch lecker

Nico Pavia
Kindheitserinnerungen an die Werthers Bonbons😊

Bissfeste Konsistenz, Karamellinger Geschmack. Eine unfassbar leckere gesunde Süssigkeit.

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