Wanan Bio Datteln
Wanan Bio Datteln
Wanan Bio Datteln
Wanan Bio Datteln
Wanan Bio Datteln

Organic Wanan dates

Sale price11,99 €
29,98 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 18001
Weight:400 g
  • Country of origin: Saudi-Arabien

  • Taste: mild-süß and zimtig

  • Consistency: cremig and weich

  • Storage: Gefrierfach

  • Inspiration: mit verschiedenen Nussmusen füllen, als "Praline" zum Kaffee servieren

Wanan organic dates: a melt-in-the-mouth premium delicacy from the Middle East

Wanan organic dates from Saudi Arabia are the luxurious new addition to our range. The special feature of this variety, which is hardly known in this country, is its gently spicy and only mildly sweet aroma with a prominent cinnamon note. Wanan are among the varieties with relatively large fruits and have extremely soft flesh, the outer skin of which is just as soft as the flesh itself. Anyone who has ever tasted a Wanan date will understand why this variety is so expensive in the Arab countries.

Luscious flesh just waiting for the right partner: recipe ideas for stuffed dates with ginger, almonds and co.

Wanan dates are less sweet than Medjool, the melt-in-the-mouth, almost black Mazafati or the caramel-crunchy Sukkari, but are still considered to be one of the sweeter varieties among the more than 400 types on the market. This, in combination with their luscious and tasty flesh, literally calls for a suitable counterpart. Wanan are therefore often stuffed with different fillings to round off their sweetness with a suitable flavor. Almonds and other nuts, especially pistachios and walnuts, are popular combinations here. Candied ginger or oranges make it really delicious, as does hearty goat's cheese and herbs. Juicy dates are simply cut open lengthways and the prepared filling, e.g. walnut quarters, candied ginger strips or goat's cheese with parsley, is placed in a visible position in the fruit. Basically, there are no limits to the imagination as long as the creamy, amber-colored melt of this variety is not overshadowed by further processing.

Enjoyment without remorse: snack on fresh Wanan dates on their own and let your mind wander

Wanan dates should definitely be enjoyed pure so as not to miss out on their fine aroma. A date like this is better than any chocolate. One hundred grams, or about five dates, contain just under 280 calories. This makes them a good snack, but one that is worthy of note: with no added sugar, fat or artificial additives, dates are unrivaled as a sweet treat. Organic cultivation also guarantees that neither our bodies nor the agriculture in the country of origin are contaminated with residues of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. So the next time we have a sweet craving, we can reach for dates with a clear conscience, and their creamy, luscious sweetness is something no one will have to imitate.

Fiber, potassium and copper. These benefits make fresh dates so valuable:

Dates contain lots of carbohydrates, which are made up of almost half fructose and half glucose, ensuring that the sweet dried fruit is popular after sport or at the desk to provide our brains with fresh energy or to help our muscles recover. Dates also contain fiber and a large amount of minerals. Potassium and copper in particular make up a high percentage of the minerals found in dates. Potassium, like carbohydrates, is important for the muscles and supports their function, as well as the nervous system. Potassium also helps to keep blood pressure stable. Copper is also responsible for good connective tissue, for the nervous and immune systems and helps to protect cells from oxidative stress. So it's no wonder that dates are often recommended as part of fitness menu plans and diets and are considered an ideal snack by clean eating advocates.

Buy fresh organic Wanan dates conveniently online now

We all agree that you have to try Wanan. The easiest way to do this is via our online store, where you can have the fruit conveniently delivered to your door. At home, just make sure to store the dates in a cool, closed container so that they don't lose any of their juicy freshness that makes this specialty so special and delicious.

Customer Reviews

Based on 39 reviews
Meiner Meinung nach die beste Sorte

Die Datteln bei NaraFood kann man nicht mit den Datteln vom Supermarkt vergleichen. Die hier sind deutlich saftiger/matschiger und einfach nur lecker. Auch der Versand klappte jedesmal bisher einwandfrei.

Rita Kraft

Die köstlichen Wanan sind bisher mein Favorit.


Die Sorte Wanan ist meine Lieblingsdattel, sehr aromatisch und nicht zu süß. Qualität und Lieferung waren wir gewohnt tadellos.

Barbara Meixelsperger


Elisabeth Mösbauer
Top Qualität und schnelle Lieferung

Super Datteln, sehr lecker und beste Qualität für einen fairen Preis und toller Service obendrein.

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